Preventive medical check-ups

Preventive medical check-ups

Screening examinations play an important role in the healthy development of children. This allows diseases and developmental disorders to be detected at an early stage and appropriate treatment to be administered. The examination findings are documented in the “yellow booklet”.

Timing of the preventive medical check-ups:

U1: immediately after birth

U2: 3rd-10th day of life

U3: 4th-6th week of life

U4: 3rd-4th month of life

U5: 6th -7th month of life

U6: 10th-12th month of life (1 year)

U7: 21-24 months of age (2 years)

U7a: 34-36 months of age (3 years)

U8: 43-48 months of age (4 years)

U9: 60th-64th month of life (5 years)

U10: 7th-8th year of life(selective contract or IGeL)

U11: 9-10 years of age(selective contract or IGeL)

J1: 13-15 years of age

J2: 16-17 years of age(selective contract or IGeL)